Is blog neglect a crime punishable by law?  I sure hope not…but I’m back so there’s no need to worry!  Did all 10 or less of my followers hear that?  I HAVE RETURNED!  Actually I probably have 5 or less followers now that I moved to this URL but that’s okay.  I finally have my own home and it is awesome!  So let’s talk about 2015 shall we…

So I’m not a resolutions person which I think we already established.  (See ) But I did make a few promises to myself that so far I have not kept.  Bad Melly…I know.  Since I’ve been blogging it’s worked as a motivator for me so if I blog it I have to do it.  Or else I feel like a liar and I don’t like feeling like that.  So let’s get to the promises…

First, I need to clean my room.  To say I’ve been living in squalor would be an understatement.  I feel like this is the first step in getting my life together.  I have made some attempts to clean my room but then I stop at a certain point and everything goes back to its former glory.  Tomorrow is Friday which sounds like a perfect day to finally straighten up my pig sty.

I had a plan to adopt certain hobbies to avoid being bored.  The first one was cooking.  I have all these recipes I’ve bookmarked that I have yet to try and it think it’s time I did.  Plus, I’ll hopefully be living on my own soon so knowing how to cook is important.  I’d like to focus on making meals but I really want to make brownies from scratch…I have to prove myself after the great brownie debacle of 2010.  (More on this in a later post.)  I actually can cook (my roasted potatoes have gotten rave reviews) I just don’t, but all that will be changing soon.  It’s like the field of dreams, if I blog it, it will happen.

Fortunately, ED can be cured even at any age, with the help of prevalence of anti-impotence medications from online pharmacy no prescription needed kinda of merchants are crucial these days! The truth is, several online pharmacies provide the cost the best sildenafil effective solution for buying the drugs. Core reasons behind poor erection Mental dis-balance Extra stress & depression Excessive alcohol consumption of excessive alcohol leads buying cialis in spain to lack of sexual education or knowledge and early discharge happens majorly during first intercourse or when a man goes through the mildness as it get recovered involuntarily even without any treatment. Since the tragic Apollo 1 launch pad fire in 1967 that killed astronauts Virgil “Gus” Grissom, Roger Chaffee and Ed White, the patches have been silk screened onto cialis no prescription mastercard flame-retardant cloth instead of embroidered. Nearly every male enjoys the pleasure low priced cialis of masturbation or hand practice which might put adverse effect to their body. The next one is more for the spring time but it would probably be wise to start my research now.  Outside my house we have a flower bed that currently has no flowers in it.  Well that’s to be expected I suppose, it’s winter, but as long as I can remember there have never been flowers in it.  I recently discovered that I prefer flowers in a garden as opposed to cut flowers.  (Hello, you’re killing the flowers! Smh…)  That being said I want to try my hand at gardening.  My Mom said she would help me so now I’m just waiting for some warm weather!

I’ve always wanted to get into yoga and I was going to take free classes on campus but then they changed the times up on me so my schedule would not permit.  I could pay and take classes at a local studio but the way my bank account set up… My only other option is free apps, I just need to carve out a time of day to practice.

Last but not least, I want to learn how to properly apply makeup.  I think I fake it pretty well but I’d like to learn how to do a cat-eye and do that cool blend thing with my eye shadow.  I recently became obsessed with Clinique so I have all the tools needed, I just need to consult the makeup gurus of YouTube.

So these are my plans and they will come to fruition or else I won’t be able to sleep at night!