I saw that in a magazine advertisement.  It was probably actually for men but who cares, it stayed with me.  First I’d like to tell you all a little story about my father.  Friends call him Al…I don’t know why because he’s revealed that he really doesn’t like that nickname.  His first summer after graduating from college was a rough one.  He was unemployed and trying hard to find a job.  Apparently he would wake up in the mornings and put on a suit, even though he had nowhere to go.  But his mentality was that if he dressed the part the job would come and eventually it did.  This isn’t to say that he wasn’t putting in the work as well because he was definitely looking, but I’m sure dressing to the nine’s every day helped build his confidence.

Sir Al, looking sharp as usual. And yes, that is a photo of my gorgeous Mother behind him!

Sir Al, looking sharp as usual. And yes, that is a photo of my gorgeous Mother behind him!

I went through a similar situation like this just last Thursday when my school hosted graduate and professional school day.  Different colleges and universities sent their representatives to give students information about their masters and PHD programs.  I knew that this day was coming for a few weeks and was mulling over whether or not I would actually attend.  When the day finally came I still wasn’t sure but just in case I decided to go I brought a dress, a simple pair of pumps, and something to put my hair up with.  At this point I had no idea that I would be obligated to go.

Not only was I going to this event to find information for me, but for my school newspaper.  As I was leaving my first class that morning one of my friends who is also the news editor of the paper pulled me aside and asked me if I could help him out with getting stories.  I told him that I might be attending the graduate school and professional day and could write an article about it.  He graciously accepted and I was immensely glad that I had that change of clothes in the trunk of my car.  As I sat in my second class of the day I thought about what questions I could ask to best benefit myself as well as the students who might read this article.  Once class was over I power walked to my car, then to my friend’s room to get presentable.

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If I had walked into that room in my jeans and hoodie I doubt I would have felt as confident as I did that day.  Being in that Ralph Lauren dress (that I bought marked down and used my extra employee discount on, can you say DEALS!) and those Nine West heels, with my hair perfectly pinned made me feel good.  I was walking tall and I made sure to leave a lasting impression on each person I spoke to.  I wasn’t nervous about interviewing multiple people because I’ve done it before and I’m comfortable with it.  I just wanted to be sure that I asked the right questions so I would be able to write a good article.  Some questions I had prepared some I came up with on the spot.  I intermittently checked the time so I wouldn’t be late to class.  Low and behold I was on time, my professor wasn’t.  And we were locked out of the classroom.  All I could do was laugh, and pant because I was out of breath.  (Power walking in heels ain’t no joke!)

It can’t be just me who believes in the power of nice clothes and a good pair of heels.  They may hurt your feet after a long period of time but they do something for your posture.  When I put on my favorite pair of heels nothing can bring me down because I know to get it together!  My back is straight, my head is high, I’m not walking too fast or too slow and I’m feeling like I’m all that and a bag of overpriced kettle cooked chips!  It’s possible to feel this way in my jeans and hoodie but when going to a professional event it’s important to look professional.

Like father, like daughter? I think yes.

Like father, like daughter? I think yes.