Okay, that’s not very positive but it’s sorta the truth.  I haven’t been keeping up with this blog at all, but it’s never too late to make a change right?  Classes just ended so I have a lot more time on my hands now so this is the perfect time to jump back into it.  So let’s see what’s new with me…

I’m still relatively friendless and I haven’t done much to change that. Oops.  I haven’t done much in the way of being more outgoing…yet.  It’s May!  What have I been doing with my year??? I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing, dreading work, dreading school, and trying not to dread my life.  One positive thing I have been trying to do consistently is to keep a list of the good things that happen to me this year.  It’s nice to go back and look at that.

One of the most positive changes that happened to me recently was the realization that I love my body!  I mean, I would like some abs but overall I’m pretty pleased.  When I look at myself in the mirror I’m all like, “Go girl! You sexy!”  It took a long time for me to get to this point.  For a long time I thought I was too skinny.  Then sophomore year of college came and I thought I was too fat.  After that I fluctuated for a while but now I think I’ve found a happy medium.

Another positive thing that has happened this year is that I met someone who I actually like… It was completely spur of the moment too.  After getting out of a two (almost three) year relationship I was pretty content with just being by myself for awhile.  However, about four months after the break up I felt like I was at least ready to mingle again.  My sister provided me with the opportunity to do just that when she told her friend to bring a date for me to her birthday party.  I wasn’t too excited about a blind date but I figured I had to start somewhere.  The night of the party the coworker came alone, but we got to talking and I surprisingly found myself liking him.  Jump to now and we’re actually dating and having a great time together.  I didn’t expect it, but I really like this guy.  He’s smart, sweet, funny, and tall!  (All of my boyfriends have been shorter than me.)  Even though we’ve only known each other for a few months I have thoroughly been enjoying my time with him and I’m excited to see where it goes.
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Now I can end this post on a positive note!  I guess I don’t suck… 🙂


EDIT: 12/23/2017, that nigga broke my heart. He sucks. I’m awesome though!! 😀