“I’m never shopping at another black owned business again!”

A lot of us have probably said this or heard one of our friends say it.  Maybe the item they purchased was not of the quality they expected, maybe they never even received their order!  Maybe their order took forever and a day to arrive and when they inquired about it they were met with some of the poorest customer service since Bon Qui Qui.  Whatever the reason may have been, their anger and frustration has caused them to forever view black owned businesses negatively, but is that fair?

I’m sure we all have been through similar situations with white, Asian, and other non-black owned businesses in the past.  But did we permanently boycott them?  I know someone who received a less than satisfactory pedicure at a black owned nail salon once and refuses to try another black owned nail salon for this reason.  According to them, they would rather, “Stick to what they know.”  But I’m sure if their regular Asian owned spot closed or their nail tech happened to leave they would find another Asian owned business to support.  So why can’t we do that with our black owned businesses?  Why do we have to do what white people often do when generalizing us (especially black women *side eye*) and treat unsatisfactory black owned businesses as a monolith?

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A lot of my experiences with black owned businesses have been more than enjoyable!  I oftentimes receive a handwritten note from the proprietor thanking me for my purchase and sometimes I even receive a free sample or sticker!  I always feel good supporting a small business that truly cares about the customer and not just the money like these big corporations do.

One bad experience with black owned businesses shouldn’t shape you experience with ALL black owned businesses.  Give them another chance and just remember which businesses to stay away from and which ones to continue supporting!