Usually at the beginning of the year I make a happiness list.  I do this instead of making resolutions because I know me and I know I’ll forget them by the third of January.  My happiness list would consist of goals I would like to accomplish throughout that year.  However, I got away from this practice when I found that seeing the goals I had not accomplished at the end of the year depressed me a bit.  Or as the youngins say it, “made me feel some type of way.”  So this year was the first year that I did not make a happiness list but I found myself wanting to get back to my journaling.  One day while at Ross or a similar store, (can’t quite remember) I was browsing through their journals and saw one I liked.  It was filled with positive words on the cover and right then and there I decided that I would only write positive things in it.

And yes, it was on sale.

And yes, it was on sale.

To tell you the truth I think it took me a while to actually start.  But one day I sorta recapped my amazing New Year’s Eve/Day with my wonderful sister and cousin.  I just wrote down a few sentences to recall what made me happy about that event.  I decided that I would continue to do this throughout the year and thus my happiness journal was born!
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This is all apart of my attempt to be more optimistic which is something I have been working towards for a while. I don’t write in it every single day, more like once a month probably. I’ll just be sitting on my bed and I’ll realize that I haven’t written anything down in some time so then I’ll grab my journal and read through what I’ve written so far. Once I’m finished reading I’ll get a pen and write down whatever wonderful things have happened to me since I wrote the last entry. These are just short sentences though. I really enjoy reading them because they make me smile and I’m reminded of how happy I was on that particular day. It doesn’t even matter if a certain situation that I wrote about didn’t turn out the way I expected because at least it brought me happiness for a moment. I wonder what other happy things I’ll be able to fill the pages of my journal with. 🙂

Do you have a happiness journal or something similar to it?  Or are you contemplating beginning a journal?  Don’t wait until the new year to make a change for the better!  That’s why my first post on this blog is dated December 3rd and not January 1st!  (Okay that’s only part of the reason, I just got a little impatient, but that sounds better right?)  So tell me, what’s something you do to make yourself happy?